Volume: 3

Sit Here

Personalities from around the harbor.

I asked Richard to verify a story I heard a couple of weeks ago about the Brewers and their little adventure at Bluerock on Catalina Island during the cove's Opening Day. The Brewers were rather pickled as they paddled out in their inflatable dinghy after the big party on the beach. Usually the surf is the problem but they made it as far as whatever yacht they were staying on. Monty Brewer failed to make the transition from dinghy to yacht and fell in the water. The land breeze stiffened and blew the inebriated and helpless Claire out to sea. She wasn't strong enough to make progress rowing on her own. Monty, well lubed himself, could not muster the strength to climb aboard and kept his head above water by looping his arm through the bottom rung of the yacht's swim ladder. Claire started screaming something fierce and probably in so doing saved her husband's life. Someone in the moorings heard her screams and set out after Claire. After retrieving her they found a nearly drowned Monty still clinging to the ladder and life. He'd been in the chilly May water for forty-five minutes.

Richard and I reviewed a few other infamous Bluerock stories and concluded that we didn't care if they were true or not.