Volume: 1
Everyone wants everything right now.
iSpine (Future Backbone of the Web!) was silent this week after promising me a future of working in the name of the gigantic dollar. The big picture tells me that the rejection is profound, a signal from wherever that going in that direction is simply wrong. Giving away two years of freedom in order to accumulate even more than I've already have is the sound of the American consumer index trying to lure me over to their web of misery. No one around me these days is asking just how much is enough, since the only answer they consider is "everything."
I told iSpine that they represented a fork in the road, though I misrepresented the size of it. They thought it was a decision between slavery and freedom, between leverage and cash, when actually, it sits out there as the much larger divide between art and commerce. And as much as I know how inevitable the outcome is, I continue to delay the process hoping that one morning I'll awaken with just a little more insight.
I exist inside a giant chasm.