Volume: 3

Vancouver 6: Sailing

Perfect sailing down the Pacific coast of Vancouver Island.

At the end of the Inlet, the right fork led us into Hecate Channel where we anchored in McBride Bay. When students see the pretty pictures and read the flowery descriptions and sign up for a trip, that day was what they imagine experiencing. It was a rare notch in the win column for The School.

Min took happy hour to the next level producing a bottle of whiskey. He and Atric drank the whole thing as no one else cared for any. They yammered on through the night at each other about the latest electronic products while flipping through Min's magazines. Their wives attended to their needle work. The young men, Bruce, Lena and I sat in the main cockpit, listened to music and talked for hours about our sailing pasts. I offered that the day's sail showed that racing isn't the pinnacle.